"CBOT The Chicago Board Of Trade"
buy and sell recycled paper, plastics, rubber, glass, metals and other commodities. Trade on local or international basis.
"Encore Systems, Inc."
specializing in tire recycling, equipment sales, consulting, civil engineering projects and contract tire baling.
"Eurectec, Inc."
supplies tire recycling equipment and machines for specifics requirements, or assists in the construction of state-of-the-art recycling plants.
"ISRI Institute of Scrap recycling Industries, Inc."
trade association of the scrap processing and recycling industry. It represents 1,500 companies that process, broker, and industrially consume scrap commodities.
"Kent Brown: Scrap Tire Recycling Consultant"
expert in ambient SCRAP TIRE reduction to crumb rubber and TDF. Online resume.
"NARRA The North American Recycles Rubber Association"
created in August 1994 to bring together the various stakeholders affiliated with the recycled rubber industry.
"North American Recycler Rubber Association N.A.R.R.A."
created in August 1994 to bring together the various stakeholders affiliated with the recycled rubber industry.
"Raymond Communications"
provides news on recycling legislation and other informations.
"Recycler s World"
tire and rubber recycling section of Recycler s World, this section consists of several key categories related to the Tire and Rubber Recycling industry.
"Rubber Recycling Topical Group, Rubber Division, ACS"
is concerned with all technical aspects of recycled polymers, resource recovery and reincorporation of recycled materials into end products.
"Scrap Tire Management Council"
assists in promoting scrap tires as a commodity. Scrap tire stats and info, industry links, engineering reports and more.
"Scrap Tire News Online"
source for news and information about the scrap tire and rubber recycling industry.
"The Internet Consumer Recycling Guide"
this recycling guide provides a starting point for consumers in the USA and Canada searching the net for recycling information.
"Tire Recycling Management Association of Alberta"
responsible stewardship of scrap tire resources through partnerships, economical and environmentally sound strategies.
"TRID Tire Retread Information Bureau"
The Tire Retread Information Bureau is the world s first source for information about tire retreading and tire repairing.